Thursday, May 14, 2009

When the aikidoka is told to `see from your hara`,

 he or she, of course, doesn`t try to make eyes appear in the center of the belly,
 but rather becomes highly aware of the center 
and the connection between it and the eyes.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Music, art, or creative vision of any type, creativity, flows like a river
 beneath the consciousness of thought..

The sabian symbol for 23' of Aries is a pregnant woman in a light summer dress,
It’s a fitting image for the manifestation of the creative impulse. 
Creativity begins in the dark, in sleep, in reverie.
Suddenly a project takes shape, gradually, bit by bit, every day a little victory...pilgrim's progress, taking the time it takes.
    Sometimes we set it aside to rise, like dough on the sideboard.

It can't be hurried, it can only be waited out..

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

the arthur murray school of life

No sorry...I've no clue who Bill is...

but I do know that if we are "trying a thing on" then by definition it must come from 
outside of us..

it's the difference between technique and art...

trying and doing...

doing and being...

when you go to a dance studio and move around the numbered feet painted on the floor you cannot really be said to be dancing..

but eventually, with enough practice and some "cellular learning" you will begin to "be" the music and find the dance within you...
the dance IS are the dance.. 

That's what they mean by "be the ball" ...
it's prerequisite to entering "the zone" that athletes speak of... 

you've heard it before...
the "do without doing" thing..